Always Fighting for the Love of My Life

Edward J. Demyan; Pancreatic Cancer Victim; Supported and written by MaryKaye Mackulin, who loved him.
RIP my sweet man ... 1963 - 2011

Thursday, January 3, 2013

President Obama Signs the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act into Law

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Praises President Obama for Signing the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act into Law

AND HAPPY 2013 FOLKS.....  

This is why I will continue to volunteer and spread awareness.  So change will come.  I made a promise to Ed to not ignore this disease - to keep his voice alive - to make sure the next generation doesn't have to hear what we heard from the doctors. 

HOPE is on the horizon now.  We will change the future - We will fight together - We will ignore those folks who refuse to believe that we can make a difference. 

It is time to  KNOW IT.  FIGHT IT.  END IT.

The petty personal attacks will not stop me - the hate will not stop me - the negativity will not stop me - from carrying Ed's mission forward. 

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