Always Fighting for the Love of My Life

Edward J. Demyan; Pancreatic Cancer Victim; Supported and written by MaryKaye Mackulin, who loved him.
RIP my sweet man ... 1963 - 2011

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 11th Hour on AM 1420 The Answer: PurpleStride Cleveland: Fighting for funding for P...

The 11th Hour on AM 1420 The Answer: PurpleStride Cleveland: Fighting for funding for P...: Ken McManus, MaryeKaye Mackulin, and Jim McIntyre Ken McManus is a living miracle.  He is living with pancreatic cancer, almost four y...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pancreatic Cancer: Purple Stride 2013 « CBS Cleveland

Check out our awesome Media Support for the Cleveland PurpleStride 2013 coming up June 1st down at Voinovich Park!

Q104's Katherine Boyd interviewed myself and our awesome Survivor, Jessica!

And Leon Bibb interviewed the both of us for his Sunday morning Show, Kaleidoscope

Both were awesome opportunities to raise awareness in Cleveland and to let folks know we are out there every day batteling this disease! 

For Ed!  

Monday, May 6, 2013

COLT 2013 - A Big Success for the Cleveland Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

Had the outstanding opportunity again in 2013 to attend "COLT" - Community Outreach Leadership Training for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.  The Cleveland Leadership team learned some great new ways to improve our Affiliate - and we played as well.  Here is a great little video of our 3 packed days in Manhattan Beach!  Along with some of my personal photo's from the trip.