Always Fighting for the Love of My Life

Edward J. Demyan; Pancreatic Cancer Victim; Supported and written by MaryKaye Mackulin, who loved him.
RIP my sweet man ... 1963 - 2011

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Big News from the Senate!

November 29, 2012
Current Co-Sponsor Count for the
Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act:

in the U.S. House of Representatives (HR 733)
Passed on September 19, 2012
Click HERE for detailed information

in the U.S. Senate (S. 362)

(including our lead sponsor,
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse) 

Click HERE for the full co-sponsor list to see if YOUR member has joined us!
As you may already know, on September 19, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act, formerly known as the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act (H.R. 733). Earlier today, the Senate approved the legislation to be added to theDefense Authorization Act. At this point, the Senate is expected to pass the Defense bill in the coming days.

Since the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act was not in the House’s version of the Defense bill which was passed in May, delegates from the House and Senate will meet next week to iron out differences between the two bills. However, at this point, we do not have any reason to expect that there will be a problem getting this legislation included in the final Defense bill.

After the House and Senate agree on a compromise version of the Defense bill, the final bill will be sent to the President to sign.

Updates regarding the legislation will be sent out as it progresses through the process.

Appropriations Update
The "lame duck" session has officially started on November 13, and it will be a very busy couple of weeks as Congress focuses on finalizing the FY13 federal budget in order to avoid sequestration – which would mean automatic across-the-board cuts, which would be devastating to research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

By law, the $110 billion sequestration cuts will be split between defense and domestic programs. Of the domestic programs, an estimated $39 billion in cuts will be applied to “discretionary” programs, which include the NIH. With the remaining $16 billion in cuts coming from programs like Medicare. By Congressional Budget Office estimates, most programs will face a 7.8% budget cut per year. A cut like of this nature to the NIH budget will amount to over $2.4 billion in this fiscal year alone. Specifically, cancer research funding will receive a 8.2% cut over the next ten years.
While focusing on avoiding sequestration, Congress failed to agree on the federal budget before the start of the new fiscal year on October 1. Instead, a continuing resolution (CR) was passed on September 22 to allow the day to day operations of the federal government through March 2, 2013.
The CR essentially allows federal programs to continuing operating until Congress returns and decides how much money to allot to a wide range of federal activities, including cancer research. The CR, in this instance, will permit a small, 0.612 percent increase, to all federal programs. But while even a small increase in spending may be unusual in these austere budget times, it is important to note that funding for the National Cancer Institute will not even keep pace with the research inflation index.
“Some changes to current law are needed to prevent catastrophic, irreversible or detrimental changes to government programs or to ensure good government and program oversight,” the House Appropriations Committee said in its summary of the legislation.
Overall, the CR will fund the government at an annual rate of $1.047 trillion, the amount lawmakers agreed to last year as part of a deal to raise the government’s debt limit. That would be an $8 billion increase over current levels, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
It is important to note, however, that the new Congress that is sworn in next January will be charged with finalizing funding levels for federal spending through the remainder of the fiscal year. It is at this time that Congress will decide cancer research funding levels
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network will be monitoring this issue very closely over the next several weeks.

Have Twitter? Follow us for the latest breaking advocacy news!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

TempurPedic Hugs Back Campaign still going on!

If you have not already taken your
Rest Test
please plan to do it soon!!
$10 per validated rest test at a participating Tempur-Pedic retailer is donated
Find a retailer near you 
THANK YOU Tempur-Pedic!!
Truly does not get any easier than this!
Lay down for 7 minutes.
Fill out a verification card.
We get $10 from Tempur-Pedic.
Campaign is going on through end of November!
So this Black Friday,
take a break in style & comfort, and do something good.
On that note - Happy Thanksgiving All.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank You WOIO Akron for sharing!

Our Press Release being shared in Akron Ohio Today...  Now That Is What I Am Talking About.  Awareness at it's finest.  Boo Ya Ohio.  It Is Time To KNOW IT.... FIGHT IT.... AND .... END IT.

Peace All.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

These are words I can relate to each night when I go to bed.
Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven my Sweet Edward James.
Your Favorite of all the Holidays.
I miss you always and am fighting for the cause just like you made me promise.
Till We Meet Again - I keep you safe in my heart.
Thanksgiving Weekend - 2007 / Atlanta, Georgia

Monday, November 12, 2012

Purple - Let's make it the new pink and stop this cancer from climbing the death toll ladder.

Purple - the new pink

Click the link above and see why we need to start spreading awareness for other very deadly cancers.  There are several of them and we need to spread the awareness love. 

The money is there - it just needs to be shared a little bit more.  And, really, isn't that what we were raised to believe by our parents. 

For you EJD, and so many more, we battle for you, this November, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pancreatic Cancer Magazine Outreach now On Line!

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network flagship magazine, Outreach, is now online and interactive with in-depth articles focusing on our advocacy efforts that support research, patient services, awareness and getting the Recalcitrant Cancer Research bill passed before the end of the year! New page turning feature makes reading online easy. 

Click below to check it out!
publication: Outreach Fall 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

November is Nat'l Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month! Watch our impact video!

November is Nat'l Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month! Watch our impact video! Watch this video to learn about the Vision of Progress and how you can help—then share it with your friends and family.

By clicking on the link above, you will help create hope.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Check out this great Fox Sports Ohio video - FOX Sports Girls - Pancreatic Cancer Action Network PSA

Watch This Great Video - Together We Can.... Know It. Fight It. End It.

Check out this great Fox Sports Ohio video - FOX Sports Girls - Pancreatic Cancer Action Network PSA

6% Survival Rate - 4th Leading Cause of Cancer Death in the U.S.

The Time for Change is Now.  Won't you support the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Go to for more information and to see how you can help in your community.

Thank You Fox Sports & FSOHIO