Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Interview with WDOK's Jim McIntyre & National Call-In Day

Here is the link to the interview Jim McIntyre did with myself and Sarah Keil-Chernoff (of the Walking for Wendy Family/Team) ...  Below the written paragraph, you can listen to the audio...  My gosh we were so so nervous, but I think we did a really good job!  Go Sarah - you are a rock star!


Jim, the Chernoff Family and Miss Rona gave us this incredible opportunity to share our passion in fighting this Living, Breathing Monster and we truly appreciate it.

This week, an 11 year old little boy in central Florida passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, recently a kindergartner was diagnosed with stage IV PC in southern Illinois, three teenagers have been battling this disease and have made the news recently....  This disease does not discriminate, it is not an "Old Man's Disease" it is not an Alcoholics disease - this disease can touch anyone and everyone and if we don't make changes soon - a lot more of you reading this will know someone touched by this killer.

We Need You to help make the future different, help make the future better and we need the Government to step up take this seriously, along with the National Cancer Institute...  2% of the annual NCI budget is not enough - not even close....   Support the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act by joining us on National Call in Day on Tuesday, June 26....    click this link to learn more about how YOU can help from the comfort of your own home by making a phone call or two:


Can't open the link, well then, here ya go:

National Call-In

We need YOU to Call Congress on Tuesday, June 26th

If you cannot travel to Washington, DC, to join us for the Sixth Annual
Pancreatic Cancer Advocacy Day, we hope that you will participate in the
National Call-In. Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 26th and
be prepared to spend 10 minutes placing three very important phone calls that day.

What is the National Call-In?

The National Call-in is an opportunity for all Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
supporters across the country to join together with one voice to tell Congress that
while you can't attend Advocacy Day in person, you believe that the time has come
 for Congress to take action on pancreatic cancer!

How does it work?

On Monday, June 25th, 2012, you will receive an email with instructions on how
to place the calls to your two U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative. The email will
include their office phone numbers, and what we'd like for you to say. The calls
should take less than 10 minutes of your time, but they will significantly impact
our efforts to make the pancreatic cancer community heard.

To ensure you receive the National Call-In email, sign up for the
Advocacy E-list. Information about the National Call-In will also be
available at www.pancan.org on June 26.

Mark your calendar today!

More than 2,800 phone calls were placed to Congress during the 2011 National Call-In.
These calls were a tremendous help in augmenting the in-person meetings that were
happening as part of the Advocacy Day. Please mark your calendar now for
the 2012 National Call-In on June 26th and ask your friends and family to do
the same. With your help, we can double the amount of calls that are placed to
members of Congress during this year's Advocacy Day and make sure that legislators
hear our message loud and clear: Pancreatic Cancer: Know It. Fight It. End It!

Questions? If you have any questions about the Sixth Annual Pancreatic Cancer
Advocacy Day, please contact our Government Affairs & Advocacy Department
at advocacy@pancan.org or 202-742-6699.

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